GLO Consulting focuses on assisting owners and their design professionals in the critical aspects of the planning, programming, design and construction, start-up and commissioning of contamination control environments (Cleanrooms) for University and industrial research applications. The services focus on achieving an environment that provides a safe, conducive operator environment that meets construction budgetary limitations and is energy and operationally cost efficient.
While a traditional “Cleanroom” focus primarily on particulate control, at GLO Consulting we focus on a holistic space design that we refer to as a Contamination Control Environments. A contamination control environment is defined as a purpose designed and constructed space that mitigates physical phenomena (all forms of contamination) from external and internal sources that are detrimental to the activity to be performed in the space.
A Contamination Controlled Environment is a specialized environment where particulate and many other physical phenomena are addressed during the design and construction of the facility. The physical phenomena include, but are not limited to:
A key premise GLO Consulting follows is that Contamination Control Environments DO NOT have to be the high energy users. Recirculation and Make-up Air Systems are 20/7/365 operational systems that generally use copious amounts of energy. We have proven design techniques that can dramatically reduce this consumption. Additionally, we offer reviews of existing chilled water systems with an emphasis on improving the operating system differential temperature moving it toward the design differential.
Hazardous Chemicals are a necessary part of the operation of many Contamination Control Environments. While many of these chemicals are easily managed Pyrophoric gases such as Silane require specialized facilities that are prescriptively designed to minimize the possibility of an event.
University Cleanroom Design CV